個 人 著 作

劉遠楨(Y. C. Liu)

(a) Journal Papers

  1. Y. C. Liu, T. H. Huang, C. L. Sung, “The determinants of impact of personal traits on computational thinking with programming instruction.,” Interactive Learning Environments. (SSCI)(Accepted)
  2. 黃思華、吳佳娣、楊旻錦、劉遠楨, “數位圖畫書的圖文比例對學生創造力影響之研究,” 數位學習科技期刊, 11(1), pp.23-49, 2019. (TSSCI)
  3. W. H. Chang, T. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, “Influence of an Interactive e-Book on the Reading Comprehension of Different Ethnic Groups Using Indigenous Culture as Content,” International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 1-10, 2018. (SSCI)
  4. T. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, “Science Education Curriculum Development Principles in Taiwan: Connecting with Aboriginal Learning and Culture,” Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(5), pp. 1341-1360, 2017. (SSCI)
  5. Chang, W. H., Liu, Y. C. Huang, T. H., "Perceptions of learning effectiveness in M-learning: Scale development and student awareness," Journal of Computer Assisted Learning., 33(5), pp. 461-472, 2017. (SSCI)
  6. 游雅婷、劉遠楨、黃思華, “中小學行動學習準備度探究與分析,” 教育科學研究期刊, 61(4), pp.89-119, 2016. (TSSCI)
  7. Huang, T. H., Liu, Y. C., Yu, P. C., “The Crucial Influences of Interpersonal Relationships on Learning Motivation and Performance in a Collaborative Cloud Learning Platform. Education Journal. 44(1), pp. 133-157, 2016. (TSSCI).
  8. 黃思華, 劉遠楨, “互動式電子教科書對高中原住民專班閱讀理解成效影響之研究,” 教科書研究, 8(2), pp. 107-137, 2015. (TSSCI)
  9. 吳佳娣, 劉遠楨, 鄭妃君, “點燃孩子的學習熱情—差異化行動學習,”  新北市教育, 13, pp.13-15, 2014.
  10. 劉遠楨, 吳佳娣, “校長科技化課程領導—行動學習的成功之鑰,” 教師天地, 193, pp. 34-37, 2014.
  11. 譚蕙婷, 劉遠楨, “電子習作對學習態度及學習成效的影響,” 教育科技與學習, 1(1), pp.13-37, 2013.
  12. Y. C. Liu, W. C. Lee, T. H. Huang, H. M. Hsieh, “Improving Students’ Chinese Writing Abilities in Taiwan with the “Conditioned Writing System,” The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(3), pp. 189-201, 2012. (SSCI)
  13. T. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, and H. C. Chang, “Learning Achievement in Solving Word-Based Mathematical Questions through a Computer-Assisted Learning System in Taiwan,” Educational Technology & Society, 15(1), pp. 148-259, 2012. (SSCI)
  14. V. Istanda, T. Y. Chen, W. C. Lee, Y. C. Liu, and C. H. Huang, “A Novel Motion Vector Search Algorithm for Synchronous Learning and Create a Learning Web Site,” Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, vol.6, no.6S, 2012. (SCI Expanded)
  15. V. Istanda, T. Y. Chen, W. C. Lee, Y. C. Liu, and W. Y. Chen, “Adaptive Return Prediction Block Matching Algorithms for Video Coding,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol.145, pp.277-281, 2012.
  16. 楊心怡, 劉遠楨, “創新學習:資訊科技的應用與實踐,” 教學科技與媒體, 100, pp. 36-41, 2012.
  17. W. C. Lee, S. P. Huang, Y. C. Liu, S. R. Wang and W. C. Hsu, "An Online Summary Writing System Combining with Concept Mapping and Annotation Sharing," Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 6872, pp.392-396, 2011.
  18. W. C. Lee, W. C. Huang, Y. C. Liu, and H. H. Wan, " A Study of Cooperative and Collaborative Online Game-based Learning Systems," Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 6872, pp.163-167, 2011.
  19. W. C. Lee, Y. C. Liu, T. H. Fang, and W. C. Hsu, "The Relationship of Motives and Achievements in Teacher’s Online Training Course," Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 6872, pp.147-151, 2011.
  20. W. C. Hsu, Y. C. Liu, D. S. Jiang, T. H. Tsai, and W. C. Lee, “Selective Block Size Decision Algorithm for Intra Prediction in Video Coding and Learning Website,” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 98, pp.195-202, 2011.
  21. T. H. Tsai, W. C. Hsu, Y. C. Liu, and W. C. Lee, “Search Pattern Based on Multi-Direction Motion Vector Prediction Algorithm in H.264 and Learning Website,” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 98, pp.217-224, 2011.
  22. 黃思華, 劉遠楨, 顏菀廷, “互動式電子白板融入創新合作學習模式對國小數學科學習成效與動機之影響,” 課程與教學季刊, 14(1), pp. 115∼140, 2011. (TSSCI)
  23. T. H. Tsai, C. L. Fang, and Y. C. Liu, “Motion Intensity and Direction Distribution Similarity Measure for Accelerating Sports Video Retrieval,” International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 17, no. 6, 2010. (EI)
  24. 黃思華, 劉遠楨, “教師使用資訊科技階段探討,” 游於藝電子報, 111, 2010.
  25. 劉遠楨, 黃思華, “互動式電子白板與教學,” 國民教育, 50(4), pp. 44-50, 2010.
  26. 李婉淳, 陳昱君, 劉遠楨, “學校成功導入互動式電子白板的因素分析,” 國民教育, 50(4), pp. 51-56, 2010.
  27. 楊珮琦, 陳昱君, 劉遠楨,, “資訊融入教學策略探析,” 國民教育, 50(4), pp. 57-62, 2010.
  28. 陳彤宣, 陳昱君, 劉遠楨, “電腦輔助專題式教學策略探究,” 國民教育, 50(4), pp. 63-67, 2010.
  29. 黃思華, 劉遠楨, 謝筱梅, “限制式寫作互動引導作文網站對學生寫作之研究,” 課程與教學季刊, 13(3), pp. 193∼218, 2010. (TSSCI)
  30. 陳永昇 , 張凱育 ,劉遠楨, “ 用來移除雜訊的高成效距離矩陣濾波器 ,” 資訊科學應用期刊 , 5(1), pp. 65-82, 2009.
  31. 劉遠楨, 黃思華 , 蕭維蒂 , “ 共同學習法教學網站對國小學生造句能力之學習影響 ,” 教育與心理研究 , 32(2), pp. 147-173, 2009. (TSSCI)
  32. 劉遠楨, 黃思華 , 王聖仁 , “ 結合概念構圖與線上註記分享之摘要寫作進行教學之成效研究 ,” 課程與教學季刊 , 11(3), pp. 155-180, 2008.(TSSCI)
  33. 謝筱梅 , 劉遠楨, “ 互動引導作文網站的研究與設計 ,” 國民教育 , 48(3), pp. 74-83, 2008.
  34. Huang, Y. C. Liu, and C. Y. Shiu. “ Construction of an Online Learning System for Decimal Numbers through the Use of Cognitive Conflict Strategy, ” Computers and Education, 50 (1), pp. 61-76, 2008. (SSCI)
  35. 朱育頤 , 劉遠楨, “ 可選擇較佳區塊大小的材質合成 ,” 資訊科學應用期刊 , 3(1), 2007.
  36. 劉遠楨, 黃思華 , 許琇雅 , “ 運用認知衝突策略建構小數學習概念線上複習系統之研究 ,” 教育與心理研究 , 30(1), pp. 65-89, 2007.(TSSCI)
  37. L. C. Chou, Y. C. Liu, B. C. Jhao, and C. D. Ye, “Fast Predictive Search Algorithm for Video Motion Estimation,” International Journal of Information and Technology, vol.2, no.1, pp. 54-63, January 2007.
  38. C. D. Ye, Y. C. Liu, C. W. Chiu, and L. C. Chou, “A Predictive Displacement Approach for Block Motion Estimation,” International Journal of Information and Technology, vol.2, no.1, pp. 64-74, January 2007.
  39. 劉遠楨, “認識「網路學習」,” 國民教育, 45(6), pp. 30-33, 2005.
  40. W. L. Hung and Y. C. Liu, “Estimation of Weibull parameters using fuzzy least-squares method,“ International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 701-712, October 2004. (SCI & EI)
  41. 劉遠楨, “淺談資訊科技融入教學,” 國民教育, 44(6), pp. 2-6, 2004.
  42. 韓長澤, 劉遠楨, 陳淑純, “臺北市中小學實施資訊科技融入教學之推行成效,” 國民教育, 42(6), pp. 46-56, 2002.
  43. 陳淑純, 劉遠楨, “臺北市中小學教師兼任資訊人員之資訊能力與職務困境分析,” 國民教育, 42(6), pp. 57-66, 2002.
  44. 劉遠楨, 林新發, 方志倫, “教務資訊網路化之規劃與設計-以國立台北師範學院教務資訊系統之建置為例,” 國立台北師範學院學報, 第十四期, pp. 287-312, 2001.
  45. Y. C. Liu and C. F. Hong, “A novel vision based image coding system,” Tamsui Oxford University Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 14, pp. 67-80, Nov. 1998.
  46. Y. C. Liu, Y. K. Lai, P. C. Wu, T. H. Tsai, and L. G. Chen, “VLSI implementation of visual block pattern truncation coding,” IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 44, no.3, pp. 490-499, August 1998. (SCI & EI)
  47. Y. K. Lai, Y. L. Lai, Y. C. Liu, P. C. Wu, and L. G. Chen, "VLSI implementation of the motion estimator with two-dimensional data-reuse," IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 44, no.3, pp. 623-629, August 1998. (SCI & EI)
  48. T. H. Tsai, L. G. Chen, Y. C. Liu, Y. K. Lai, and P. C. Wu, “A novel MPEG-2 audio decoder with efficient data arrangement and memory configuration,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electronics, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 82-92, August 1997. (SCI & EI)
  49. L. G. Chen and Y. C. Liu, “A high quality MC-BTC codec for video signal processing,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. CSVT-4, no. 1, pp. 92-98, Feb. 1994. (SCI & EI)
  50. L. G. Chen, Y. C. Liu, T. D. Chiueh, and Y. P. Lee, “A real-time video signal processing chip,” IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 82-92, May 1993. (SCI & EI)

(b) 專利

  1. 劉遠楨, 譚蕙婷, “習作電子化系統,” 中華民國專利, 新型第M 416163號, 2011年11月11日.
  2. L. G. Chen, P. C. Wu, Y. C. Liu, and Y. K. Lai, “An efficient architecture for two-dimensional inverse discrete wavelet transform,” US. 6,587,589 B1, 2003年7月1日.
  3. 陳良基, 吳柏成, 劉遠楨, 賴永康, “適用於執行二維離散波元轉換之架構,” 中華民國專利, 發明第160548號, 2002年8月1日.
  4. 陳良基, 劉遠楨, 李永斌, 吳柏成, 陳旭東, “於一電腦系統中壓縮彩色圖像及重建被壓縮彩色圖像的方法”, 中華民國專利, 發明第410301號, 2000年11月1日.
  5. L. G. Chen, Y. K. Lai, Y. C. Liu, and Y. P. Lee, “Array architecture with data-rings for 3-step hierarchical search block matching algorithm,” US. 6,118,901, 2000年9月12日.
  6. 陳良基, 李永斌, 顧中威, 劉遠楨, “利用直接式的高輸出量與高度規則的二維8乘8離散餘弦轉換/反離散餘弦轉換之架構,” 中華民國專利, 發明第118022號, 2000年6月21日.
  7. L. G. Chen, Y. C. Liu, Y. P. Lee, P. C. Wu, and H. T. Chen, “Methods for compression and re-constructing a color image in a computer system,” US. 09/042,061, 2000年6月9日.
  8. 陳良基, 賴永康, 劉遠楨, 李永斌, “針對三步驟階搜尋區塊比對演算法之資料環陣列架構,” 中華民國專利, 發明第102678號, 1999年5月1日.

(c) Conference Papers

  1. M. W. Kao, Y. C. Liu, T. H. Huang, “Establishment and Evaluation of Science Curriculum Development Principles for Taiwan Indigenous Peoples,” in The Academic Forum June 2014 Conference, CA, USA, June, 2014.
  2. 劉遠楨、琺濟伊斯 坦大, “泰雅族傳統藝術數位教材設計與建置,” 臺灣農村經濟學會 2014 年會暨農業經濟學術研討會, 臺北, 臺灣, 12月, 2014.
  3. 葉純孝、林建宏、李承諺、劉遠楨, “以區域為基礎之表情辨識系統,” 2014臺灣網際網路研討會, 高雄, 臺灣, 10月, 2014.
  4. 劉遠楨,陳彤宣,林璟筠, “專題式程式設計教學對國小學童問題解決歷程之研究,” 2013全國計算機會議, 臺中, 臺灣, 12月, 2013.
  5. M. R. Lee, C. Y. Lin, W. C. Lee, F. C. Cheng, Y. C. Liu, H. Y. Chang,“A Deductive Conceptual Learning System to Online Cooperative Learning,” in AECT International Conference on the Frontier in e-Learning Research 2013, Taichung, Taiwan, Jun, 2013.
  6. T. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, J. Y. Chao, K. H. Yang, W. C. Lee,“A Study on the Effect of Two-Tier Online Tests Integrated with Concept Cartoons on Aboriginal Students' Scientific Concepts in Taiwan,” in The Fourth Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan, Oct, 2012.
  7. Y. C. Liu, T. H. Huang, W. C. Lee, H. H. Wu, “A comparative study of cooperative and collaborative learning on online game-styled learning systems,” in The Fourth Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan, Oct, 2012.
  8. J. Y. Chao, Y. C. Liu, K. H. Yang, T. H. Huang, L. Y. Yao, “WebQuest Based Instructional Design of Video Making for Atayal Senior High School Students in Taiwan- Take Cultural Arts and Crafts for Example,” in ICFCE 2012 Conference, Shanghai, China, June 2012.
  9. T. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, Chen, T. H., “A PBL and problem-solving process study in Taiwan: program design course of project-based learning to primary students in their problem-solving ability,” in 4th IJAS Conference, Vienna, Austria, April 2012.
  10. Y. C. Liu, T. H. Huang, Hsu, C. H., “The use of annotation functions of interactive whiteboard and abstract text effect on learning of the social sphere for elementary school students in Taiwan,” in 4th IJAS Conference, Vienna, Austria, April 2012.
  11. Y. C. Liu, T. H. Huang, “An Action Research on Promoting Cooperative Learning of Interactive Whiteboard in an Elementary Science Teaching,” in CARN 2011, Vienna, Austria, November 2011.
  12. H. T. Tan, Y.L Chu, Y. C. Liu, “A Study of Electronic Workbook on The Concept of Student Learning,” in Proc. 2010 International Conference on Information And Technology, Taipei, Taiwan,, pp.15-20, December 2010.
  13. X. Y. Luo, K.M Chen, Y. C. Liu, “Electronic Picture Books to Enhance Reading Instruction in English Reading Comprehension Skills of Students,” in Proc. 2010 International Conference on Information And Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.40-42, December 2010.
  14. 陳艾琳,黃思華, 劉遠楨, “電子書的超文本特質對兒童閱讀理解之影響,” 2010數位學習國際研討會, 臺北, 臺灣, pp. 115-123, 12月, 2010.
  15. 劉遠楨, “E化專科教室發展現況與互動式電子白板,” 2010數位學習國際研討會, 臺北, 臺灣, pp. 15-24, 12月, 2010.
  16. 張新宏, 劉遠楨, “應用統計分析法與群集分析法發掘國際電信話務資料異常之研究,” 2010數位科技設計與教學應用研討會, 臺北, 臺灣, pp.1-6, 12月, 2010.
  17. 譚蕙婷,李維恩, 劉遠楨, “建置一互動式電子習作線上系統,” 2010數位科技設計與教學應用研討會, 臺北, 臺灣, pp.7-14, 12月, 2010.
  18. C. C. Cheng, Y. C. Liu, “Use a Webcam to Detect Order of the State School Computer,” in 2010 International Conference on Information And Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.9-14, December 2010.
  19. T. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, “Interactive Whiteboard and Pedagogy,” in Proc. Ace 2010, Osaka, Japan, pp.809-818, December 2010.
  20. C. Y. Li, Y. T. Hung, S. S. Cheng, Y. C. Liu, “Designing a Word Recognition Instruction System on Radical Recognition Instruction,” in Ace Proc. 2010, Osaka, Japan, pp.842-851, December 2010.
  21. T. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, “The Study of Curriculum Development Principles in Aboriginal Science Education,” in Proc. Ace 2010, Osaka, Japan, December 2010.
  22. Yuan-Chen Liu, Tzu-Hua Huang, Li-Ling Wu, Yu-Chun Chen, “A STUDY OF ‘SIGHT WORDS’ TEACHING STRATEGIES AND LEARNING SYSTEMS WITH REFERENCE TO A GROUP OF FIFTH-GRADE STUDENTS IN TAIWAN, “ in Proc. International Conference e-Learning 2010, Freiburg, Germany, July 2010. (EI)
  23. Tzu-Hua Huang, Yuan-Chen Liu, Hsiao-mei Hsieh, Yu-Chun Chen, “Influences on students’ Chinese essay writing performance by utilizing online interactive system based on the approach of “conditioned writing,”in Proc. International Conference e-Learning 2010, Freiburg, Germany, July 2010. (EI)
  24. T. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, W. T. Yan, Y. C. Chen, “Using the Innovative Cooperative Learning Model with the Interactive Whiteboard to Primary School Students' Mathematical Class” in Proc. LAMS 2009 , Sydney, Australia, December 2009.
  25. 洪源泰 , 鄭琇穗 , 劉遠楨, “ 融入部件教學法之華語文識字教學網站設計 ,” 2009 資訊教育與科技應用研討會 , 臺中 , 臺灣 , 11 月 , 2009.
  26. W. C. Hsu, Y. C. Liu, K. Y. Pan, “Three-Phase Distance Matrices Filter” in Proc. ECS 2009 , Wuhan, China, pp.41-44, April, 2009. (EI)
  27. 張其勝 ,劉遠楨, “ 以 Hewson Model 為基礎之數位學習活動設計 ,” 2008 數位內容學術研討 , 桃園 , 臺灣 , 12 月 , 2008.
  28. T. H. Huang, D. S. Fang, Y. C. Liu, W. T. Yen, “Motives and Achievements of Online On-Job Training of Middle and Elementary School Teachers” in ICCE 2008, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2008.
  29. T. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, W. T. Hsiao, “Research on the Influence of Computer Network Supported Cooperative Learning on Sentence Construction Skills of Elementary School Students” in Proc.FIE 2008, Saratoga Spring, USA, October 2008. (EI)
  30. T. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, C. N. Hung, C. C. Chang, W. T. Yen, “A Study on the Influence of Online Office Instructions on Motivation and Effects of Information Learning in Elementary School Students” in Proc.FIE 2008, Saratoga Spring, USA, October 2008. (EI)
  31. 高旺平 , 劉遠楨, “ 懷邦創造思考教學策略對國小高年級學童創造力影響之研究 ,” 2008 數位科技與創新管理研討會 , 臺北 , 臺灣 , 6 月 , 2008.
  32. 吳麗玲 , 劉遠楨, 李宗薇 , “ 運用看說法與從閱讀中學習字彙教學策略設計國小 Sight Words 學習網站之研究 ,” 第二屆兒童英語教學研討會暨學生作品發表會 , 新竹 , 臺灣 , pp. 15-27, 5 月 , 2008.
  33. 楊珮琦 ,劉遠楨, “ 角色扮演與價值判斷之相關研究─以溼地生態教育為例 ,” 課程與教學改革的理論與實務國際學術研討會 , 花蓮 , 臺灣 , 5 月 , 2008.
  34. 蘇顯辰 , 黃思華 , 劉遠楨, “ 融入式評量建置自然科學習網站學習成效之研究 - 以能源利用單元為例 ,” 課程與教學改革的理論與實務國際學術研討會 , 花蓮 , 臺灣 , 5 月 , 2008.
  35. 陳詠濬 , 劉遠楨, “ 以「 M.L.W.I.T 」網站進行限制式寫作教學對提升國小高年級學生寫作能力之成效分析 ,” 第四台灣數位學習發展研討會 , 臺中 , 臺灣 , 5 月 , 2008.
  36. 劉遠楨, “ 線上遊戲融入教學之研究 ,” 2007 臺北全球華人資訊教育創新論壇研討會。
  37. T. H. Huang, T. T. Yu, C. H. Yang, K. T. Tang, S. C. Chen, Y. C. Liu, “The Study of Cognitive-Style-Oriented Online Game Learning System” in Proc.FIE 2007, Milwaukee, USA, October 2007. (EI)
  38. Y. C. Liu, K. T. Tang, T. H. Huang, Y. C. Chien, S. C. Chen, “Multiple-Representation Online Learning System that Incorporates the Game of Monopoly” in Proc.FIE 2007, Milwaukee , USA , October 2007. (EI)
  39. Y. C. Liu, M. C. Chiang, S. C. Chen, V. Istanda, T. H. Huang, “An Online System Using Dynamic Assessment and Adaptive Material” in Proc.FIE 2007, Milwaukee , USA , October 2007. (EI)
  40. Y. C. Liu, K. T. Tang, T. H. Huang, T. Y. Wang, V. Istanda, “Mobile Learning Activities Design Based On Conceptual Learning” in Proc.FIE 2007, Milwaukee, USA, October 2007. (EI)
  41. 劉遠楨, 黃思華 , “ 網路創新教學之探討 ,” 2006 臺北市全球華人資訊教育創新論壇研討會。
  42. T. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, T. Y. Lin, “Construction of Integrating of Concept Cartoons into Two-tier On-line Testing System” in Proc. WWW/Internet 2006, Murcia, Spain, pp.34-38, October 2006.
  43. Y. C. Liu, T. H. Huang, H. H. Wu, “The Assessment on Cooperative-Learning Online Games and on the Teaching of Mathematics” in Proc. WWW/Internet 2006, Murcia, Spain, pp.48-52, October 2006.
  44. Y. C. Liu, T. H. Huang, and C. Y. Chang, “Using cognitive conflict to construct a learning system for decimal numbers,” in Proc. 2005 E-Learn, Vancouver, Canada, pp.3004-3010, October 2005.
  45. S. J. Jing, Y. C. Liu, C. H. Yang, T. H. Huang, “Web-based Learning System for Improving Children’s Cognitive Strategy for Better English Word Recognition,” in Proc. 2005 E-Learn, Vancouver, Canada, pp.2962-2965, October 2005.
  46. T. H. Huang, H. Y. Chang, and Y. C. Liu, “Application of the Deductive Conceptual Learning System to Online Cooperative Learning,” in Proc. 2005 E-Learn, Vancouver, Canada, pp.2952-2957, October 2005.
  47. Y. C. Liu, T. H. Tsai, and W. L. Hung, “A digital watermark scheme using bits operation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 345-346, January 2005. (EI)
  48. Y. C. Liu and C. B. Chou, “A Novel Digital Watermark Algorithm Based on Bits Group,” to be appeared in Proc. 2004 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS 2004), Tainan, Taiwan, December 6-9, 2004. (EI)
  49. S. H. Huang, Y. C. Liu, and W. K. Wang, “Employing Genetic Algorithm to Explore Suitable Learning Materials,” in Proc. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, pp. 878-879, Joensuu, Finland, August, 2004.
  50. Y. C. Liu, H. W. Chien, and S. H. Huang, “An Novel Data Management System of Teaching Material Conforming with SCORM,” in Proc. The IEEE 4th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, pp. 660-662, Joensuu, Finland, August, 2004.
  51. S. W. Kuo, Y. C. Liu, and S. H. Huang, “Using Electronic Classroom Newsletter to Improve Parents-Teachers Communication,” in Proc. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, pp. 825-827, Joensuu, Finland, August, 2004.
  52. H. C. Chang and Y. C. Liu, “A Computer Assisted Learning System Based on Polya's problem-solving procedure for the Low Achievement Children,” in Proc. 2003 E-Learn, Arizona, USA, pp. 2273-2276, December 2003.
  53. T. H. Huang, M. J. Li, and Y. C. Liu, “Deduction of Online Learning Effect to Fuzzy Neural Network Learning System,” in Proc. 2003 E-Learn, Arizona, USA, pp. 2277-2280, December 2003.
  54. S. W. Chuang, T. H. Huang, and Y. C. Liu, ?“Design of Cooperative and Competitive Mode For Mathematics On-Line Game,” in Proc. 2003 E-Learn, Arizona, USA, pp. 2281-2284, December 2003.
  55. 郭素文、郭鳴豐、宋豐雄、劉遠楨, “應用班級通訊電子報促進親師溝通,” 第11屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會(ICCAI2003),台北,台灣,pp. 43-47.
  56. C. L. Fang, W. Y. Chen, Y. C. Liu, and T. H. Tsai, “A New Adaptive Return Prediction Search Algorithm for Block Matching,” in Proc. 3rd IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 120-126, December 2002.
  57. 劉遠楨,方志倫,李明冠,蔡宗漢, “結合時間與空間域之錯誤隱藏技術,” 2002民生電子研討會論文集, 新竹,台灣, pp. 222-227, 12月,2002.
  58. C. L. Hsu and Y. C. Liu, “Association Rule-Based Immediately Dynamic Demand Matching Searching System,” in Proc. International Conference on Computer in Education, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1285-1286, December 2002.
  59. Y. C. Liu, Hong-Yan Lee, and Wei-Kai Wang, “Mathematic Guide-Learning System to the Misconception of Elementary Students,” in Proc. International Conference on Computer in Education, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1480-1481, December 2002.
  60. 王威凱,劉遠楨, “利用基因演算法搜尋適性學習教材,” 第六屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會論文集,北京,中國,pp. 485-485,6月,2002.
  61. 徐禛勵,劉遠楨, “基於關聯式法則之即時動態需求比對搜尋系統,” 第六屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會論文集,北京,中國,160-165,6月,2002.
  62. Y. C. Liu, M. G. Li, J. B. Niu, and H. L. Chen, “A Novel Error Concealment Technique for MPEG-2 Video Decoder,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Los Angeles, USA, pp. 158-159, June 2001. (EI)
  63. 李宏彥,劉遠楨, “國小學童錯誤概念之導引式數學學習系統,” 第十屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會論文集, 中壢, 台灣, 495-502, 6月, 2001.
  64. C. H. Huang and Y. C. Liu, "An adjustment step-size search algorithm for block motion estimation," in Proc. Workshop on the 21st Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 77-77, May. 2001.
  65. M. G. Li and Y. C. Liu, "Weighted surrounding matching algorithm for error concealment technique of MPEG-2," in Proc. Workshop on Consumer Electronics, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 1-6, Oct. 2000.
  66. W. Y. Chen and Y. C. Liu, "The return prediction search algorithm for block motion estimation in video coding," in Proc. Workshop on Consumer Electronics, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 141-146, Oct. 2000.
  67. C. H. Lin and Y. C. Liu, "A very low bit rate image compression system," in Proc. HD-MEDIA Technique and Application Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 61-66, Oct. 1999.
  68. Y. W. Lo and Y. C. Liu, "An efficient VLSI architecture for motion estimation based on new criteria," in Proc. HD-MEDIA Technique and Application Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 19-24, Oct. 1999.
  69. T. C. Lu and Y. C. Liu, "A true color image compression system implemented with FPGA," in Proc. HD-MEDIA Technique and Application Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 13-18, Oct. 1999.
  70. J. B. Niou, Y. C. Liu, and H. L. Chen, "Single bitmap pattern VBPTC algorithm of color image," in Proc. 1999 12th IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 583-590, Aug. 1999.
  71. Y. C. Liu and Y. W. Lo, "The new measure criteria and VLSI architecture for motion estimation," in Proc. of the Tenth VLSI Dedign/CAD Symposium, Nantou, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 279-282, Aug. 1999.
  72. P. C. Wu, L. G. Chen, Y. C. Liu, and Y. K. Lai, ``High Performance Architecture Design for Subband Synthesis Filter Banks,'' in Proc. 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. WAB1-05-WAB1-09, Oct. 1998.
  73. Y. C. Liu, P. C. Wu, T. H. Tsai, and L. G. Chen, “VLSI implementation of visual block pattern truncation coding,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Los Angeles, USA, pp. 36-37, June 1998. (EI)
  74. Y . C. Liu, L. G. Chen, P. C. Wu, Y. K. Lai, and Y. P. Lee, “A true color video signal processing system and its real-time chip implementation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Chicago, USA, pp. 238-239, June 1997. (EI)
  75. T. H. Tsai, L. G. Chen, Y . C. Liu, Y. K. Lai, and P. C. Wu, “A novel MPEG-2 audio decoder with efficient data arrangement and memory configuration,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Chicago, USA, pp. 212-213, June 1997. (EI)
  76. P. C. Wu, L. G. Chen, Y. C. Liu, Y. K. Lai, “Hardware efficient design of filter banks for video coding,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Hong Kong, pp. 1213-1216, June 1997.
  77. P. C. Wu, L. G. Chen, Y. C. Liu, and Y. K. Lai, “Investigation of filtering permutation schemes in three-dimensional subband filter banks,” in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication System, Singapore, pp. 32.2.1-32.2.5, Nov. 1996.
  78. H. T. Chen, R. J. Wang, P. C. Wu, Y. C. Liu, and L. G. Chen, “Software techniques for real-time video processing,” in Proc. HD-MEDIA Technique and Application Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, pp. B1-2/7-B1-2/10, Oct. 1996.
  79. L. G. Chen and Y. C. Liu, “An efficient visual pattern block truncation coding,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Atlanta, USA, pp. II.770-II.773, May 1996.
  80. L. G. Chen, Y. C. Liu, T. D. Chiueh, “Video data compression using an efficient BTC based system,” in Proc. IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Sydney, New Australia, pp. 122-127, December 1992.
  81. L. G. Chen, Y. S. Jehng, T. D. Chiueh, and Y. C. Liu, “VLSI design of motion estimator for HDTV application,” in Proc. International Workshop on HDTV ‘92, Kawasaki, Japan, pp. 36.1-36.8, November 1992.
  82. L. G. Chen, Y. C. Liu, T. D. Chiueh, “Efficient motion compensation - block truncation coding for video communication,” in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication System, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, pp. 184-194, March 1992.

(d) Book

  1. 黃鼎傑、劉遠楨(民國103年)。線上遊戲式數學數位學習教材。載於左台益、吳昭容(主編),數學數位學習(34-37)。臺北市:高等教育。
  2. L. G. Chen, Y. S. Jehng, T. D. Chiueh, and Y. C. Liu, in Signal processing of HDTV, IV, E. Dubios and L. Chiariglione Eds, Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., 1993.

(e) Academic Honor

  1. Best Paper Award of 1992 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Sydney, New Australia, December 1992.